Chiller Pump Fail

So, I just bought a Rio 10HF pumps to feed my chiller.  That was clearly a mistake.  Sometimes we have power outages and my pump does not restart every time.  That's a waste of my $45.  In order to make it restart I have to lift the pump out of the water for a second then drop it back into the sump.  This situation could potentially cause a huge problem for me.

1.) My chiller could freeze up if its feed pump isn't working.
2.) My tank could overheat if the halides start and the chiller isn't working.

Essentially, this cheap pump is a single point of failure that could cause about a $2500 loss for me and a bigger loss for my fish and inverts.  It won't be there long.  I'll be taking mitigating steps almost immediately.

  1. I'm going to wire up some of the sockets in my aquarium room to another circuit.
  2. I'm going to get one of these flow control valves from "Grid Controls".  If your savvy, you'll notice that this is with power cords for much more money as a chiller accessory.
  3. I'm going to replace the lousy pump with an Eheim 1250 or mag 9.5


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